Virgin Hyperloop One's test facility in North Las Vegas, Nevada. In May 2018, representatives from over 31 organizations, including Union County and Marysville, traveled to Las Vegas to meet with Virgin Hyperloop One officials to learn more about the project and its potential impact on transportation in central Ohio.
Union County and the City of Marysville have joined an initiative lead by the Mid Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) to develop stronger transportation connections with neighboring regions. This initiative is focused on improving connectivity to Chicago and Pittsburgh through the exploration of two transportation technologies, including traditional passenger rail and hyperloop.
Initial Studies
Initially, MORPC will conduct two studies as part of this initiative: a feasibility study of Hyperloop technology for the corridor, followed by components of an environmental impact statement for the corridor. Virgin Hyperloop One is participating to provide technical expertise related to hyperloop technologies for both study phases.
Phase 1: Hyperloop Feasibility Study
The Midwest Connect Feasibility Study will explore two potential hyperloop routes connecting Columbus to Pittsburgh and Chicago. One option follows the rail corridor featured in the Hyperloop One Global Challenge Midwest Connect corridor proposal; the other is an alternative to be defined as part of the study work. At a minimum, the potential routes will include the following cities: Chicago, Fort Wayne, Lima, Marysville, Columbus, and Pittsburgh.
The Midwest Connect Feasibility Study will enhance work already completed by MORPC, which submitted the winning proposal to Virgin Hyperloop One as part of its “Global Challenge” competition. This study will also further define and identify the optimal range of initial implementation and alignment and initial stations and end-points.
Additionally, the study will provide estimates of transportation demand and economic benefits, develop a business case, and create strategies for implementation and public engagement.
Phase 2: Environmental Impact Study
For the second phase of the initiative, MORPC, along with partners in Lima, Marysville, and Union County, are completing initial components of a Tier I Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) study to advance intercity, rapid-speed transportation service between Chicago, Columbus and Pittsburgh.
The study complements and incorporates work for the corridor portion between Chicago, Fort Wayne, and Lima. This work is currently underway by the Indiana corridor partners, which includes the city of Fort Wayne in collaboration with the Northeast Indiana Passenger Rail Association. A complementary effort by the partners between Lima and Columbus began as an effort to study passenger rail and identify investment needs to improve freight flows and freight rail congestion between Chicago and Columbus.
The project has since evolved to include Pittsburgh in the corridor and expand the scope of study to include hyperloop technology. The EIS work will collect data, document existing conditions, prepare a purpose and need statement, provide route alternatives and service alternatives for proposed routes, and evaluate infrastructure investments.
Find Out More
For more information about Central Ohio's Rapid Speed Transportation efforts, please click here.